Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day to Celebrate - Earth Day

Earth Day indicates Earth’s uniqueness in the universe. This Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. Each year on 22nd April we the people of this earth celebrate this day. Earth Day is the largest, most widely celebrated international environmental event.

It is the only planet in our solar system teeming with incredible biodiversity. Learning about and protecting this biodiversity is what Earth Day is all about. People all over the world celebrate our efforts to protect plants and animals and to clean up the world we live in.

We hear that "The Earth is in greater peril than ever", but there is also unprecedented opportunity for all of us to build a new future. Earth Day has the power to bring about historic advancements in climate policy, renewable energy and green jobs and catalyze millions who make personal commitments to sustainability, in short to say “A Billion Acts of Green” mobilizing the power of people to create a change by taking small small steps in our life IE our homes, our schools and our businesses that add up to an enormous collective action.

Why Celebrate Earth Day?
Earth Day reminds us that we all share the same planet. Sharing Earth means taking responsibility for what we use and how we use it. It is a day to think of the environmental challenges we face and how to solve them. Protecting Earth should be every person’s and every country’s responsibility, this is what Earth Day is all about.

Senator Gaylord Nelson of the United States founded Earth Day. Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970 in the United States. Across the United States, 20 million people and thousands of local schools and communities participated in the first Earth Day. The huge turnout for the first Earth Day made it the largest organized celebration in the history of the World. Earth Day’s success helped influence the government of the United States to create stronger laws to protect the environment.

Earth Day 2010
On 22 April 2010 we are celebrating our earth's 4.6 billionth birthday (reports from NASA). While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity, an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future.

So to celebrate this day let each of us contribute in every possible way we can. And the only way to achieve is by moving towards Green technologies and by implementing Green Strategies. So adopting a holistic green approach is our responsibility towards creating a more sustainable environment.